Friday, January 28, 2005

Maccessibility: Why blind users can't register at Slashdot

Slashdot, the "News for Nerds" site I referenced in a n earlier post, is on the accessibility hot seat in this column, Why blind users can't register at Slashdot, from Maccessibility, a blog aimed at Mac web developers. Slashdot, among a lengthening list of other sites, requires users to type in text read from an image as a security measure during the registration process. The article makes a valid point about the growing use of "this kind of 'security' involving low resolution images of text". If you have a hard time reading this text, like me, or can not read it at all, you may be out of luck trying to register for these sites. The article proceeds to document how some sites, like Paypal and Yahoo, have tried to find ways to address this problem and their varying degrees of success. It makes an interesting read.

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